September 16, 2011

Wine For Normal People Radio : Episode 27 --7 Fun Wine Facts

Oh yeah...this week Rick and I get into some fun, random wine facts. 7 to be exact. Never passing up a chance to be a total nerd, I dork out on wine history and stump Rick on the Latin name for the Grape of the Week.
The show notes...
We start with a few shoutouts to awesome reviews on iTunes and comments on Facebook (thank you for making this so much fun by commenting!)
And we answer another listener question! We want you to Call us!!! Do you have a wine-related question? Call 800-599-8478 (in the U.S.) or 1-415-226-9105 and dial extension 5 to leave your question for the Wine For Normal People Podcast, and we will play it on the show!
  • Listener Question - from Scott of MA (Rick's home state and Elizabeth's post-college home!)
  • Main Topic - 7 Fun Facts About Wine
    1. Aroma v. Bouquet: What are they...really?
    2. Wine History: Paranoia about poisoning -- the origins of "drinking to your health" -- and, the potential origins of the word "toast"
    3. More Wine History: We take you back to 7th grade... Hammurabi's Code and a well-deserved penalty for wine fraud
    4. California's place in the world of wine: it's kind of a big deal...
    5. Wine Grapes: There's a lot of 'em
    6. Northern v. Southern Hemisphere: What that means about vintage
    7. For Dieters: We tell you about the calories in a standard glass of dry red or white wine and sweet wine...
  • Grape of the Week - The Blood of Jupiter (Listen to figure out what it is) and why it's so unpredictable
If you have something to say, I'd love to hear it! Post a comment below or on Facebook Page or on Twitter @normalwine.
Like the podcast? Please review us on iTunes and we'll give you a shout out!
Here's the link to download podcast: Ep 027 Top 7 Fun Facts About Wine

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