November 21, 2011

Wine For Normal People Radio : Episode 32--The Urban Tribe, Food and Wine Pairing Revisited, and Thanksgiving Wines

Yep, we're throwing it down with the rest of the wine world...but doing it the normal way. It's a family time, so MC Ice and I huddled 'round the mic to share some ideas about Thanksgiving wine.

Here's a link to the 'cast and the show notes are below!

We start out with shout outs from iTunes, Facebook (Wine For Normal People page) and email (elizabeth(at)winefornormalpeople(dot)com).

Main topic: Thanksgiving Food & Wine Pairing

  • It’s a tough holiday for wine, but great to be with Urban Tribe or family (I explain the Urban Tribe, and how it differs from being a Member of the Tribe, of which, of course I am -- urban dictionary it if you don't know what it is)
  • MC Ice talks about a dessert that he'll never eat again
  • Wine Pairing Horses of the Apocalypse: Why food and wine pairing is tough for Thanksgiving and why the standard recommendations work
  • I wax poetic on pairing philosophy -- it's not just about the meat!
  • The Brass Tacks: We discuss pairings for Thanksgiving and why certain wines should be on the menu. We discuss everything from traditional Thanksgiving food to smoked and fried turkey, to spicy glazed ham, all of which were suggested on the Facebook page.
  • We offered a sample wine menu for each course from aperitifs to dessert before MC Ice and I jet off to New York, to help my mom shop for wine for our Thanksgiving feast!

Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for being part of our virtual Urban Tribe!

Click here to listen!

If you like the podcast, please review us on iTunes, drop a comment on the blog, or join the growing conversation on Facebook (Wine For Normal People page) and Twitter @normalwine!

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