November 6, 2011

Wine For Normal People Radio : Episode 030 Kickin’ It With Jim Morris from Michel-Schlumberger

Ok, ok, so it's been a while since we've done a new podcast. My bad! As you know, I took a trip to California Wine Country and it threw the sched off. The good news -- I recorded one from there and here it is. It's a new kind of podcast so I'd love to hear you thoughts on it.

This week I sit down with Jim Morris of Michel-Schlumberger in the Dry Creek Valley. We had such a fabulous time. We've known each other for a while but this was our first chance to just chat and dork out on wine.

Let me put your mind at ease on two counts: 1) this is NOT a commercial for the Winery. 2) I really, truly love their wines and wouldn't do a 'cast with them if I didn't think so highly of them.

A blog post on their wines is are some videos I shot on their gorgeous property!

Here's a link to the podcast: Click Here

And here are the high level show notes:

  • Jim gives some background on Michel-Schlumberger -- its European roots, its winemaking philosophy, and why it's such a unique place (hint: they are really normal and focus on education -- totally up WFNP's alley!). Jim posits it's his lederhosen that make the wine so great.
  • We drill down on organic farming in practice. We got our hands dirty, dishing on honey bees, cover crops, and dog on the big wineries, talking about why sustainability should be called sustain-BULL-ity.
  • Jim talks about the challenges of the 2010 and 2011 vintages.
  • I put Jim on the spot and get him to tell a wild story about a cross-dresser, and what NOT to do in a tasting room. We discuss the ins and outs of the "lush rush" and why you don't want any part of that
  • We hug, cheers, and drink some great glasses of Michel-Schlumberger.

Please drop a comment on the Facebook Page.

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  1. Great podcast, I really enjoyed hearing Jim's take on the winery and will put it on my list to visit.

  2. Susan,

    Here's something depressing: M-S sold to a conglomerate, decided to scrap the organic program and fired everyone, including my dear friend Jim. They are no longer on my list of wineries to love!

    Urgh -- consolidation in this biz kills me!

