December 15, 2011

Wine For Normal People Radio: Episode 34--Wine Gift Ideas for Festivus or Whatever Other Holiday You Celebrate!

And just in time for the holidays: Wine gift ideas!

This week, MC Ice and I talk about 4 kinds of gifts to get for the wine lover/liker/drinker in your life...

  • Gadgets: The most useful, must-haves (not just random crap you buy just to buy!). Here's a picture of the Ah-so, for reference. Gotta also say that listener Sayle Milne provided the suggestion on wine charms! Thanks Sayle!
  • Glassware: The three kinds someone really needs and a few recommendations on what to look for and what to avoid.

  • Books. From Facebook friend Brandon Robinson, we cover books: why I don't love "Fun" wine books, three reference books for real wine dorks, and a shameless plug for the upcoming "Wine For Normal People" book (and shout to my fabulous agent Myrsini!)

  • And, drum didn't think we'd cover all this stuff and forget the WINE, did you? We talk about strategies for shopping for wine as a gift -- from in-store selections to wine clubs to the horror of wine shipping laws (thanks to listener Bruce Bowler for the suggestion that we should cover this). I wax a little poetic on the sentimentality of wine...but just briefly.

  • Then, Grape of the Week...listener Sayle Milne strikes again -- she has requested we cover this for a long time and voilá! Petit Verdot...and why it makes a better supporting actor, than star of the show.

We plan on churning out another episode before the holidays, but we wish everyone a happy Festivus (for the rest of us)...or whatever else you celebrate. Please post any ideas we missed here so everyone can benefit from your genius!

Oh...and if you like the podcast, please review us on iTunes, join the conversation on Facebook (Wine For Normal People page) and Twitter @normalwine.

We mentioned this, so here us and you'll be on the show!!! Do you have a wine-related question? Anything goes! Call 800-599-8478 (in the U.S.) or 1-415-226-9105 and dial extension 5 to leave your question for the Wine For Normal People Podcast, and we'll answer it in an upcoming episode!


  1. I suggest that "Private Preserve" is a great & affordable gift. It's basically a can of compressed nitrogen that you use to seal a bottle once it's been opened. The inert nitrogen gas stops the wine from contacting the air in the bottle, keeping it longer than would otherwise be possible. I was tipped to this by the staff at Nicholson Range in Carneros.

  2. Incidentally, here in the US Jarvis is making a Petite Verdot that's actually quite interesting.

  3. Nice recommendation! I'll have to try it. I hate when wine is skunked after a day or two.

    And thanks for the tip on Jarvis. Now when you say that positive or just a thing of wonder? It's a tough grape, there's no denying it. I'll have to try their version next time I'm in Napa!

    Thanks for writing and for the awesome suggestion.

    Happy Festivus,

  4. My wife, I & another couple spent a week in Napa in summer 2010. We visited Jarvis and were taken by the winery tunneled into the mountain-top. Their Cabernet's are outstanding, but priced accordingly.

    Even so the other couple joined their wine club. This past summer their shipment included a half bottle of Petite Verdot.

    As you note it's unusual as a single grape varietal. We tried it and found it unexpectedly good. It has a dark, inky smoothness that's very unusual. IMHO, it wasn't excessively tanic. It was easy to see how it fits into a Bordeaux blend, lending added depth and complexity.

    Based upon that tasting we ordered a few bottles that remain in the cellar. Even Jarvis admits that it's a difficult grape to grow, which is why they don't offer it constantly. It was $80/bottle.
