January 15, 2012

Wine For Normal People Radio: Episode 37 -- Sherry: A Crazy Good Wine That Few People Drink

After a bunch of awesome shout outs (thank you all so much) and a listener question about Viognier "blooming" in the glass, we get to it.
In this episode we talk about Sherry -- and let you in on something you need to go out and get, before everyone else figures out how great it is and the prices go up! Here's a top level summary:
  • We’re on a sherry kick – MC Ice explains why he's a convert
  • We answer the question -- Sherry: What the hell is it? and discuss how it's not just for bad 70s TV stars
  • We talk about the "Sherry Triangle" in Southern Spain and how the stuff is made, including the different types and what they go with, food-wise.
  • We top it off with a note on the best darn dessert combination out there -- Pedro Ximenez Sherry and ice cream (divine!) and wrap it up!
If you like the podcast, please review it on iTunes, drop a comment below or join the awesome conversation on Facebook (Wine For Normal People Page) and Twitter @Normalwine
Also, if you've got a question you want us to answer, post it on any of those places and we'll include it on the show!
Thanks for listening! We can't wait to hear from you!

Podcast music: "CafĂ© connection" by morgantj / CC BY 3.0, ©2009 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (3.0).


  1. Thanks for the podcast today! I am a new listner and became hooked immediately! I can't wait to buy a bottle of Sherry. My husband said, "Sherry, isn't that just cooking wine?" Ha! You've enlightened us...Thanks!

  2. Hi Lynea,

    Thanks so much for listener and welcome to Wine For Normal People! We've got a great little (but getting big) community of totally normal people who happen to like wine. I so love the listeners and contributors to the blog/facebook/twitter page and I think you'll like them too.

    Now go out and try some Sherry with almonds (or PX with ice cream!). It's amazing!

    Hope to hear from you again soon,

  3. I just had a couple of questions about sherry: after listening to this podcast, I bought my first bottle of Amontillado Sherry. I think these questions may have been answered in the podcast, and if so I'm sorry (just let me know and I'll go back and listen again). So here they are:
    1) What kind of glass should I drink sherry from? I'm guessing a white wine glass, because it's smaller?
    2) How long will it keep after it's opened, and should I store it in the refrigerator, or room temperature after opening?
    3) I saw a bottle of Amontillado Sherry at Trader Joe's for $6. Is this just for cooking, or what? Should I even try this stuff?

  4. Hi!

    Did you love the Amontillado? It's so great!

    Here are some answers for you!

    1. Traditionally, the Spanish drink the wines out of very narrow glasses with long stems (copitas) but they are kind of impractical because you can't even fit your nose in them! A Champagne flute is close or you can use a white wine glass too.

    2. You need to drink your Amontillado within 5-7 days. For the sweeter stuff like PX, you can leave it open for months. A cool, dry place is ideal -- not necessarily a fridge.

    3. Total swag. Use it for cooking and nothing else!

    I hope that helps!

    Great for you for trying this gem. I hope you love it!

