August 24, 2012

Wine For Normal People Radio: Ep 056 -- Italy Overview

I'm totally torn about this week's podcast. I almost gave up and decided not to launch it, but M.C. Ice and some Facebook friends encouraged me to go for it.

What's wrong with the Italy Overview? I think it was such a big topic that I lost steam. I thought it was a little low energy this week and I apologize. That said, I'm launching it anyway. If it's your first podcast...PLEASE give us another listen. Not our best work.

Click here to take a listen: Link

Here are the notes:

  • We hit on some stats about Italy and how I think it's amazing that people feel any level of comfort with Italian wine, when it's such a complex, confusing, and inconsistent product.
  •  I explain why wine is like breathing in Italy and how it's viewed differently there than in most other countries.
  • We discuss the staggering number of grapes, a rough overview of geography, and then we DORK out on history -- we throw in a little Latin, talk about the Carthiginians, spend a ton of time on Romans, and then hop onto modern Italy (WARNING: this is SUPER DORKY)
  • We discuss grapes you may not have heard of before (in case you wanted to see them in writing...Falanghina, Aglianico, Greco di Tufo, Nero d'Avola) and give you a teaser of episodes to come, when we'll get into the world of Italian wines. 
We'll have to do an EXTRA fabulous one next week to make up for lost energy : )

As always, thanks for listening!

If you like the podcast, please review it on iTunes, drop a comment below, or join the awesome conversation on Facebook (Wine For Normal People page) and Twitter @normalwine! 

And if you've got a question you want us to answer, post it on any of those places and we'll include it on the show! 

Podcast music: "CafĂ© connection" by morgantj / CC BY 3.0, ©2009 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) Map: Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported2.5 Generic2.0 Generic and 1.0 Generic license

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