September 20, 2012

Wine For Normal People Radio: Ep 057 -- Benchmark Wines of the Old World

Following a catch up on shout-outs (thank you so much for the comments!) and a listener question about "bottleshock" and transport of wine, we hit the main topic, given to us by Paula Kidwell, a great podcast fan!

Her question: What are the wines that I need to seek out to get an idea of the 10 classic, benchmark styles of major grapes?

We're a listener-driven show, so you're comments are our bidding! 

I hit a few more than 10, but the main ones were:

  • Champagne
  • Bordeaux -- red, white, and sweet
  • Sancerre
  • Vouvray
  • Syrah from the Northern Rhône
  • Burgundy -- White and Red
  • German Riesling
  • Rioja
  • Chianti Classico
  • Barolo
Here's a link to the show: LINK

Now that you know them, why should you listen? Because we talk through each and why they're benchmarks...important stuff to know!

If you like the podcast, please review it on iTunes, drop a comment below, or join the awesome conversation on Facebook (Wine For Normal People page) and Twitter @normalwine! 

And if you've got a question you want us to answer, post it on any of those places and we'll include it on the show! 

Thanks for listening! We can't wait to hear from you!

Podcast music: "Café connection" by morgantj / CC BY 3.0, ©2009 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) Map: Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported2.5 Generic2.0 Generic and 1.0 Generic license


  1. It would be great if the audioscript of the podcasts were avaliable. I am Brazilian and have a little difficult to understand English listening.

  2. Hi Fernando,

    Thank you so much for listening and I'm so sorry we don't have a transcript of the podcast. We run on a zero budget, pretty much and that service would be pricey so we're not in the position to do it right now. Hopefully as we grow it will be something we can look into.

