November 10, 2012

Wine For Normal People Radio: Episode 62 -- Our Most Memorable Wines (So Far)

This week we cover lots of ground but the main topic is from listener, Tony Jacobson. Thanks so much for the suggestion! 

Here is the link ....and the show notes:

First, a special word on our sympathies for the victims of Hurricane Sandy, which demolished parts of the Northeast of the U.S. We are praying for you! (If you are interested in donating to the ASPCA or the Humane Society, or learning more about how you can help the animals displaced by the storm, Ellie thanks you). 

If you're interested in the article I mentioned on where I was a featured's a link to:

7 under-the-radar wine regions that deserve a toast

And then to the big 8 (they say everything should always be in odd numbers when you're describing something or writing about it. I say I don't care because I think these are worthwhile!):

1. We start with the moment that got me into wine: A white tasting at the Boston Center for Adult Education. Life-changing. See my sister's notes (right). 

2. A few classic Bordeaux that M.C. Ice and I won't ever forget: Chateau Palmer and Cos d'Estournel.

3. Next, a food and wine pairing experience that rocked M.C. Ice's world: white Chateauneuf du Pape from the Southern Rhône Valley of France that transformed with the meal and created a "never forget" moment in the financial district of San Francisco.

4. Port. From 1855. 'Nuff said, but read the post for more

5. A tasting at Chateau Montelena that had us scratching our  eads about why Napa makes wines the way they make them, and about not judging a book by its cover.

6. An experience of helping make wine at a home winemaking operation at which we helped. Learning by doing was fun and taught us so much!

7. Travel and wine experience with Brunello in Montalcino Italy that reminded us how to do things right! 

8. And a short nod to our engagement wine, Domaine Carneros, which we enjoyed on slippery ocean rocks of Big Sur, California (not a great idea, wet rocks, nearby sea lions, and alcohol are a bad combo), and a wine we can't forget because it was all about the experience together.

If you like the podcast, please pass it on to your friends, review it on iTunes, drop a comment below, or join the awesome conversation on Facebook (Wine For Normal People page) and Twitter @normalwine!

And if you've got a question you want us to answer, post it on any of those places and we'll include it on the show!

Thanks for listening! We can't wait to hear from you!

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