December 12, 2012

Latest Article on The Travel Belles: To Collect or Not To Collect (Wine, that is)

I get so many questions about collecting wine. I have a lot of admiration for people who decide to do it...but I'll probably never be one of them.

Want to know why? I wrote an article about it for my favorite online travel mag, The Travel Belles (please check it out if you haven't)...

Here's an excerpt:

After thinking about this issue at length, I’m admitting it here: I’m not a collector. Of anything. My closet is free of clothes and shoes I don’t wear. I don’t own an excess of jewelry or books (amen for the Kindle) and I almost threw out my college diploma one time because I thought it was an extra piece of paper that was cluttering up my files (oops!).

With wine, I apply a similar philosophy. For the most part, I have wine that I’ll drink in the next year in my 48-bottle wine fridge, with maybe 10 bottles in the back that I pretend aren’t there because they won’t be at their most delicious for another five or so years (2005 Bordeaux and Burgundy, which age very well).

Check it out! 

Wine: To Collect or Not To Collect?

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