May 28, 2013

Wine for Normal People Radio: Episode 076 -- Are Wine Reviews BS?

Based on a popular article that circulated in a tech mag, proclaiming that "Wine Reviews are BS" and a bunch of listener questions we've received, we tackle the article and other critiques of the wine review world head-on. Are wine reviews really BS? We let you know what we think! 

In the podcast we detail the "Exhibits" from the article, debunking or agreeing with each, and using each as a basis for discussion about the world of wine reviews and whether or not the criticism is justified, in our opinions (which is all wine reviews really are anyway).

Click here to listen: LINK

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Podcast music: "Café connection" by morgantj / CC BY 3.0, ©2009 - Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (3.0)Map: Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported2.5 Generic2.0 Generic and 1.0 Generic license


  1. Very disappointed in this Podcast and I usually enjoy them all. This one seemed to imply that you can't tell if a wine is good unless you have the label in front of you.
    As far as the criticism about the blind taste testing, this is what is done in every industry. In food tasting they even disguise the color of the food.
    I realize that asking if wine tasting is BS is attacking the industry but I thought the defense was weak
    Of course I could have been annoyed by all the beeps and that could have affected my feelings about the podcast or maybe it was because of the color shirt I was wearing.

  2. I'm sorry you didn't like this one! We listened to feedback and are re-launching sans beeps, so maybe that will help. The shirt, not much I can do : )

    The point of this one was not that you can't tell if a wine is good unless you have a label in front of you, but more that we put so much pressure on people to taste blind that we miss some of the joys of wine -- that it's about discovery and discovery is about learning without feeling like you're on the spot.

    Also, our bottom line was really that it's all subjective, and that taking a definitive number as a be-all, end-all is a weird way to do things when it's all based on opinion. But I'd say the same thing about movie or restaurant reviews. I'd rather read the reviewers thoughts than see the star rating. I get far more out of the comments in a pub like Zagat's than from the number (except for the $$ which is not subjective).

    Sorry this one didn't work for you. Hopefully this week's will hit the mark!

    Thanks for listening!
