July 16, 2011

Wine For Normal People Radio : Episode 022 How To Read A Wine Label

We promised to post some visuals of wine labels to go along with the podcast on "How to Read a Wine Label."

Below are examples of a New World label from California and an Old World label from Italy. You'll find a nearly identical layout on all New World bottles.

The Old World label will vary a little based on country. Some will be more like the New World label. Some will be slightly different from the Italian layout. But most will label the wine not by grape, but by place.

For examples of how to read a French label, please check out my post on Burgundy, complete with label pics. I think this importer does an awesome job explaining how to read a German label, so I'm not going to reinvent the wheel on this one. Here's the link to Rudi West Selections out of California.

New World Label

Old World Label

And here is a link to the 'cast with show notes:

  • Shout-Outs -Awesome reviews on iTunes, posts on the Facebook page, comments on the blog, and replies on Twitter
  • Main Topic - How to Read a Wine Label
    1. A cameo from Ellie the dog ;)
    2. Information on the Label:
      1. Vintage
      2. Alcohol Content
      3. Warnings
      4. Country of Origin
      5. Producer/Importer
      6. Regions & Appellations
    3. "New World" Wine Labels (U.S., Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, etc.)
    4. European Wine Labels & How to Decipher Them
    5. German Wine Labels (Always a Challenge)
    6. How a Wine Label Reads Like a Beauty Product
    7. Back Labels: Beware of the B.S.
  • Coming Soon - The Q&A Show: Ask your questions on Facebook or the blog


  1. Thanks for the pictures. They're a big help. Keep up the great work!

    -Jen H

  2. Glad these helped. I'm a visual person, so I thought it would be better to have these than to just talk about what a label looks like!

    Take care and thanks for your comment!

  3. I just listened to the wine label podcast. Thank you for the exceptional education on this topic and for the shoutout.

  4. Bryan,

    So glad you liked it and OF COURSE we gave you a shout out! That's what we do.

    Take care and thanks for listening/reading!
