December 7, 2011

Wine For Normal People Radio: Episode 33 -- The Grape Miniseries, Cabernet Sauvignon

We are back at it -- the Grape Miniseries makes a triumphant return! 

Here's a link to the episode: Episode 33

While drinking a rather skunked and old Napa version, MC Ice and I tackle the King of the Reds: Cabernet Sauvignon. If you like my dork out moments... get ready.

Here are a few summary points:
  • I geek out on the grape, talking about the history and the viticulture of Cabernet Sauvignon (I get into it -- everything from torrid vineyard love affairs to Pliny the Elder to methoxypyrazines)
  • We try to cover everything you ever wanted to know about Cabernet from the most famous regions around the world:
o Old World: Bordeaux, Italy, Spain, and other parts of Europe
o New World: California (Napa, Sonoma), Washington, Oregon, Long Island, South America (Chile, Argentina), Australia, South Africa
  • MC Ice gets really excited about the marriage of Cabernet and food. (the chemical reaction of tannin and filet fascinates him)
  • And here's the link to the terroir episode we reference! LINK

If you like the podcast, please review us on iTunes, write a comment below or join the conversation on Facebook (Wine For Normal People page) and Twitter @normalwine!


  1. Elizabeth-

    I am a somewhat new but faithful listener to WFNP and was so delighted to see that you blogged on Frog's Leap as I just had the Merlot at a business wine tasting( I work at a wine store) and I absolutely loved it- the best Merlot I have ever had. I thought I tasted a heavy vanilla spice flavor in it from the oak maybe? Did you taste that? Maybe I have missed-named the taste?


  2. Dana,

    Thanks for listening and reading! Vanilla spice would definitely be from the oak, so you're spot on there.

    I wouldn't doubt your descriptions at all! Everyone has different palates and brings different things to the tasting experience. The difference in our experience of the wine could be palate or it could be something as simple as vintage. Wines differ from year to year and it's possible we tried different wines. Also, things like transport and storage conditions can change the flavors in a wine, so that could also affect the taste.

    The Merlot is terrific. Frog's Leap is a class act!

    Take care and thanks for writing,
