December 29, 2011

Wine For Normal People Radio: Episode 35 -- Wine Traditions for New Year's

Wine Traditions around the world are pretty interesting. In this episode we discuss the coolest ones.

This is a complement to the article I just wrote for Travel Belles so if you want to read and listen...

Here's the link to the article: TRAVEL BELLES

Here's the link to the podcast: Episode 35

And here is what the episode is all about

First we take a listener question from @mjgraves on Twitter about when to drink Cabernet Sauvignon. (Write in or call us and you'll be on the show! Call 800-599-8478 (in the U.S.) or 1-415-226-9105 and dial extension 5 to leave your question for the Wine For Normal People Podcast, and I'll answer it in an upcoming episode!)

  1. Spanish Traditions and Cava
  2. Italian Traditions and Prosecco/Franciacorta
  3. Chilean Traditions and gold rings in the bubbles, Portuguese Traditions and Vinho Verde, Germany and Sekt, French Champagne, English speaking countries = boozing it up and fireworks. Grape of the week: Pinot Meunier

Listen and you'll get why I'll be lugging a suitcase around my block at midnight, while shoving some grapes in my mouth! Happy New Year!

If you like the podcast, please review it on iTunes, drop a comment on the Wine For Normal People blog, or join the awesome conversation on Facebook (Wine For Normal People page) and Twitter @normalwine!

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